If you ask Kamala what she is most proud of, teaching her husband how to ride a TVS and learning how to make vegetable castile soap will top her list.
Kamala can sit with you for hours talking about ‘her’ Vegetable Castile Soap / liquid soap and it’s properties with great gusto and concentration. You can feel her dedication and love in every bottle of liquid soap we sell.
Her story is an amazing one. She was married into a large family and it was only when she got here that she realized they didn’t even have enough to eat. Her husband refused to go to work due to his epilepsy. With mounting medical bills and no income she came to Wild Ideas.
From being completely dependent on the extended family for her day to day meals and small things like bus fare to now providing for her family, educating her children, riding a scooty and even saving some money she is one proud and happy woman.
She says the best thing that happened to her was getting married to someone in Tiruvannamalai. Otherwise how would she have met Wild Ideas?